The PrullenbakVaccin Case

3 day web speed-run

Having come across a LinkedIn post by Marlies Schijven wherein Marlies (together with some GPs) was looking for a web developer to help them create a platform that could be used to solve the issue of wasted-vaccines... I felt compelled to help. Especially after reading comments from developers within my own circle offering help, but only for a fee.

Wasted vaccines?!?!

As vaccines had only just started being rolled out, it was met with a decent amount of resistance... This resistance meant that people were changing their mind last-minute, resulting in left-overs at the end of the day that could no longer be stored for use the following day. After a viral social-media post showing ~20 discarded vaccines it became a topic of interest for a lot of pro-vaxxers.

So the website?

Armed with the knowledge and input of 2 GPs and Marlies we designed and built the website over the next day and a half. Never expecting 1.5 million visits on the first day, likely due to the nation-wide media coverage.

The news

A few places we (I, Anees Saban) happened to be mentioned. AD, NOS, Linda, Rijnmond